Blue card holders do not get free wheat in rural areas

blue, cards, wheat,

Blue card holders do not get free wheat in rural areas



Amidst tall claims of the state government of providing free wheat under the blue cards scheme, the ground reality of distribution the ground reality of distribution of free wheat in rural arrears is shocking.

The Department of Food, supplies, and consumers affairs distribute free wheat through ration depot holders.   

Depot holders issue slips to blue card holders before distribution by matching their thumbs on a thumb device with Aadhar cards and when it does not match no slip is issued to the beneficiary.

Usually, the thumbs of an old person do not match his Aadhar card, and depot holders tell the beneficiary that they have not given eve scanners for scanning eves of those whose thumbs do not match.


Old age card holder alleged that complaints against depot holders made to the government officials had fallen on deaf ears and it seemed that the supervisory officials of the Department of Food and Supplies were hand in glove with guilty depot holders.

Apr 28 2023 4:52AM
blue, cards, wheat,