Nakodart crosses revenue targets in fourth quarter.

nakodar, crosses,targets.

Nakodart crosses revenue targets in  fourth quarter.



  The Punjab government has met its stamp duty collection targets in the district.

Nakodar tehsildar Harmindar Hundal said a sum of Rs 4 cores,94 lakhs,34753 were collected during the fourth quarter of the financial year in Nakodar against a target of Rs 4 crores.


The Punjab Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management Department (Stamps and Registration branch) had fixed a stamp duty collection target of Rs 342.8 crore for the district.  Nakodar was targeted to collect Rs 4 crore in the fourth quarter and Rs 12 crore during the financial year, but it collected Rs 4 cores,94 lakhs,34753 against a target of 4 crores in the fourth quarter of the financial year, and Rs 14 crore,47 lakhs, and 61499 in the financial year against a target of 12 crores.

Apr 6 2023 4:39AM
nakodar, crosses,targets.