The Punjab government is giving priority to security arrangements at the Divya Jayoti Jagiti Sansthan(DJJS)here as compared to the police functioning at the Nurmahal police station.
This glaring difference is revealed by the data of police personnel deployed at the DJJS and the police station. Thirty-three police personnel from the PAP and districts police have been deployed on the premises of DJJS. Anti sabotage checking is carried out often. Extra police force is deployed whenever DJJS organize a function.
Jalandhar (rural) Senior Superintend dent of Police Gurmeet Singh visited Dera premises this week to review security arrangements and has discussion with management and a video in this regard was also posted on social media .
Whereas police functioning in Nurmahal police station is suffering because of an acute shortage of staff. There are only 29 police personnel against a sanctioned strength of 101 personnel.