Amidst the ongoing campaign to make Punjab a Safe and secure state Special Director General of Police (Special DGP) Law and Order Arpit Shukla on Wednesday launched a campaign against the deadly Chinese Kite String, also known as 'manjha'.
The initiative aims to curb the sale and use of these fatal kite flying strings as per directions of Director General of Police (DGP) Punjab Gaurav Yadav.
Special DGP Arpit Shukla accompanied by Commissioner of Police (CP) Swapan Sharma in Jalandhar and CP Kuldeep Singh Chahal in Ludhiana visited local market areas in both cities and interacted with kite seller vendors, and encouraged them to refrain from selling Chinese plastic kite strings.
He urged shopkeepers to report any illegal sale or use of manjha, warning of strict action against those involved.
The Special DGP said that the police have taken swift action against sellers trading in the Chinese Kite string. In the last 20 days, police teams have recovered 80,879 Chinese dor bundles and registered 90 First Information Reports (FIRs) against individuals involved in selling these fatal kite flying strings across the state.