The Jalandhar Rural Police, under the jurisdiction of Mehtpur Police Station, recovered 4030 litters of toxic chemical-based liquor from a makeshift illegal production unit in Haveli Tower Colony, Mehtpur, on the night of January 18, 2025. The operation was carried out under the ongoing campaign against anti-social elements and drug peddling, initiated on the directions of SP Investigation Jasroop Kaur Bath. The operation was led by DSP Shahkot, Onkar Singh Brar, along with Inspector Sukhdev Singh, SHO Mehtpur, and his team.
Senior superintendent of police, Harkamal Preet Singh Khakh said that during a week-long operation in Mehtpur, the police had been monitoring the activities of notorious smugglers Nirmal Singh alias Nimma, Jaspal Singh alias Pali, and Jaswinder Kaur. In a prior raid, 68 kilograms of crushed poppy husk and 150 liters of chemical-laced liquor were recovered from their possession.
Based on intelligence inputs, a raid was conducted at Haveli Tower Colony, Mehtpur, at the premises linked to Jhilman Singh alias Nimma. The police uncovered a large-scale operation involving concealed storage of toxic chemicals used for liquor production. Two 1000-liter plastic tanks were discovered hidden beneath the floor, traced by following electrical wiring to an underground pump system.
Additional recoveries included 30 chemical-filled plastic bags, two 200-liter plastic drums, one 500-liter plastic tank, buckets, plastic envelopes, and other packaging materials. The total seizure amounted to 4030 liters of toxic liquor and chemicals, marking a major blow to the illegal liquor trade in the area.
Investigations have revealed that the smuggler network, led by Jhilman Singh alias Nimma, actively produced and distributed chemical-laced liquor with the help of accomplices Jaspal Singh alias Pali and Gurdeep Singh alias Deepa. The chemicals were sourced through a supply chain and retailed to other smugglers in the region.
A case under 61/1/14 of the Punjab Excise Act has been registered against the accused by Mehat Pur police.