Jalandhar Rural Police have cracked a violent land dispute case in Kadianna village, under the jurisdiction of Phillaur Police Station, in record time. Five accused including women involved in intimidation, illegal possession of property and forgery were arrested. The operation also resulted in the recovery of a 12-bore rifle, a Farmtrac tractor, a Mahindra Xylo, forged documents, and four mobile phones.
The arrested accused have been identified as Baljit Singh alias Billa, Gurpreet Singh alias Gora, Gurjit Kaur, Harjit Kaur, and Balwinder Singh, all residents of Kadianna village, Phillaur. Efforts are underway to apprehend the remaining accused, Harveer Singh alias Harry and Harpreet Singh alias Happy, who are absconding.
, SSP Jalandhar Rural, Harkamal Preet Singh Khakh, emphasized that Jalandhar Rural Police will not tolerate rowdy elements in the district. He assured the public that swift and effective action would be taken against any criminal activities, maintaining peace and order in the region.
The case came to light on January 17, 2025, when the complainant reported at Phillaur Police Station that a group of individuals, armed with a 12-bore rifle, had trespassed on their property, fired shots into the air, and forcibly taken possession of their Farmtrac-60 tractor. The accused also coerced the complainant’s father into signing blank documents under duress.
Acting on the complaint, the Phillaur Police launched an operation under the guidance of SP Investigation Jasroop Kaur Bath and the supervision of DSP Phillaur Sarwan Singh Bal, and SHO Phillaur Inspector Sanjeev Kapoor. Based on specific intelligence inputs, the police apprehended five of the accused within hours and recovered the stolen property and incriminating evidence.
A case under section 304(snatching) 351(3(criminal conspiracy) 115(A) 125(voluntarily causing grievous hurt) 191(3)(rioting ) 190(unlawful assembly ) of the BNS and sections 25/27/54/59 of the Rams Act was registered against the accused