The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) during its campaign against corruption in the state, has arrested a private security guard Narinder Kumar, deployed in the Civil Hospital Jalandhar, and a resident of village Chak Sadhu Wala in Hoshiarpur district for demanding a bribe of Rs 10,000 in the name of a PCMS doctor.
Disclosing this here today an official spokesperson of the state VB said this case has been registered against the above-mentioned accused based on a complaint lodged by Lokesh, a resident of Mallanwala Khas, district Ferozepur on the Chief Minister's Anti-Corruption Action Line.
He further informed that the complainant had informed in his complaint that he had approached an orthopedic specialist in the office of civil surgeon Jalandhar to issue disability certificate for his relative but couldn’t get the desirable disability status to purchase e-tricycle. Afterward the above-mentioned accused, deployed as a security guard by the doctor outside his office, demanded Rs 10000 to get favourable disability certificate. The complainant recorded the conversation on his phone with the accused and submitted it to the VB as a piece of evidence.
The spokesperson further informed that during verification of allegations leveled in this complaint have been found correct and true as the same has been supported by oral evidence as well as the recording of the conversation. Based on this verification report, a case under the Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered against the accused Narinder Kumar at VB police station Jalandhar range.