DC urges parents to encourage children in sports

dc, parents, sports,

DC urges parents to encourage children in sports



 Urging the parents to encourage children in sports, Deputy Commissioner Vishesh Sarangal on Sunday said that sports help in the overall development of the players.

While felicitating the winners of the four-day Indian Oil Jalandhar District Badminton Championship held in Raizada Hansraj Stadium, Sarangal stressed that sports must not be considered a waste of time by parents as the sports boost the self-confidence of the children by mingling with all kinds of people and facing struggles in the game.

The Deputy Commissioner said the Punjab government had already announced a new sports policy recently that aimed to build a sports environment in the state besides the holding of Khedan Watan Punjab Diyan has given a great opportunity to the youth to exhibit their talent.

Former international player Satish Kohli was also honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award on the occasion.

DBA secretary and former national player Ritin Khanna said that Divyam Sachdeva won the men's singles title and Samridhi won the women's singles title. In the finals, Divyam defeated Madhav Kannaujiya, and Samridhi defeated Manya Ralhan.

Aug 27 2023 5:45AM
dc, parents, sports,