The three for Dhahan Prize finalized for year 2022,Javed Boota,Arvinder Kaur Dhaliwal and Balwinder Singh Grewal are announced winners


The three for Dhahan Prize finalized for year 2022,Javed Boota,Arvinder Kaur Dhaliwal and Balwinder Singh Grewal are announced winners


  • One of the finalist is from  the Western Punjab while two are from the Eastern Punjab.
  • All the three prizes go to the collection of short stories.
  • who gets the first and second prizes among the three, will be announed on November 17 during the prize distribution funtion.

Faridkot: The Dhahan Prize for Punjabi literature has announced the 2022 finalists for its awards valued at CDN $ 45000 cumulatively on October 5 in Vancouver, British Columbia, according to the website of the organization.

The first prize valued at CDN $ 25000 is given to the best book in Punjabi or Shahmukhi for promoting Punjabi literature at the globe level and the other two prizes go to the two runners up valued at CDN $ 10000 each.

Only literature written in Shahmukhi or Gurmukhi script is considered and the finalists are announced by the jury.

For year 2022, the finalists are, a  Pakistani Punjabi writer Javed Boota for his book of short stories titled “Cholan Di Burki” published by Kitab Trinjan(Pakistan),Balwinder Singh Grewal, a resident of Ludhiana for the collection of his short stories “Dabolia”(The Diver) and Arvinder Kaur Dhaliwal, a resident of Amritsar for the collection of her short stories titled” Jhanjraan Wale Paer”.

“Dabolia and Jhanjran Wale Paer”, both the collections of short stories have been published by Chetna Parkashan Ludhiana,Punjab, India.

The Paskitan orginin writer Javed Boota is living in Chantilly,Virginia,the USA.

Balwinder Singh Grewal’s short story Dabolia, tells a tragic tale of the marginalized farming community besides discussing the social and finacial problems at length.

Finally, the diver, the lead character(protagonist) and his father are forced to drown by jumping into the canal despite the best swimmers and divers themselves.

The protagonist, a son of the small farmers, has to cut his hair, chose to fish out dead bodies to earn his living, strive to get rid of this job by going abroad, marrying  to settle, tragically ends his life when her wife refuses to come to his house saying tere sareer chon murdiyan di baas mardi a(decaying dead bodies stink out of your body).

The story vividly depicts the life with dreams and shattering of those badly confronted with reality.

The names of the first or second winnners will be announed on November 17,2022 during the prizre distribution funtion by the organization.

So far, the three names are shortlisted as finalists, but there is no first or second.



Oct 6 2022 7:11AM